RTI Science Links
General Science Topics
Online Projects
Science Fair Projects
K-12 math and science teacher resources for teaching and professional development.
National Science Teachers Association - http://www.nsta.org
New York Times, Science Times - http://www.nytimes.com/pages/science/index.html
Science News, Washington, DC: Science Service - http://www.sciencenews.org
Discovery - http://www.discovery.com - Find out current science information.
This British site has some excellent animated video clips to use with science topics. They have clips for ages 5-6 and 6-7. The ones that I watched did not have any voice. These would be great to use with an interactive whiteboard, but can also be useful as an individual activity.
Resources for Science
Other pages of Science Resources
Alwyn Botha - Developer of educational (K-12) science websites.
Carter's Science Stuff - http://www.geocities.com/Augusta/2071
This website was created to guide students during a lesson. Areas are assigned to color coded boxes that all have similar concepts to be taught. Some links go to pages created by the teacher or to other web links.
Interactive math and science simulations.
Collections of useful Internet educational resources within a narrow curricular topic and contain links to two types of information. Students and teachers will find curricular resources (information, content...) to help them learn about this topic. In addition, there are links to instructional materials (lesson plans), which will help teachers provide instruction in this theme.
Internet Based Math and Science Lesson Plans
Links to some great lesson plans for both math and science. Categorized by elementary and secondary.
Collections of useful Internet educational resources within a narrow curricular topic and contain links to two types of information. Students and teachers will find curricular resources (information, content...) to help them learn about this topic. In addition, there are links to instructional materials (lesson plans), which will help teachers provide instruction in this theme.
A great source of strange and unusual images for young children is the Nanoworld Image Gallery http://www.uq.oz.au:80/nanoworld/images_1.htmlwhere you will find images taken by an electron microscope.
Scientific American Frontiers - http://www.pbs.org/saf/index.html
This is the home page for this PBS program. Go to 'In the Classroom' to find web-based activities, program transcripts, and information about ordering free teaching guides.
Science NetWatch - http://www.sciencemag.org/netwatch/
Each week, Science's NetWatch scours the Internet, reader e-mail, and other
sources for interesting science web sites. Here you can look up reviews of
the hundreds of sites they've highlighted since April 1998.
18.8 seconds is a long time for a paper airplane to be aloft. Ken Blackburn's paper airplanes held this Guinness Book record for fourteen years. Now, on his website, Blackburn shares the secrets to paper airplane building, and even gives the plans for his record-shattering plane.
Links to science sites, including earth, experiments, body & health, and space.
Curricular and Instructional Materials for various areas of science.
Basic science information about the solar system, and gravity and inertia. Take a tour of Mars or the stars. Check out the virtual globe or watch the world.
Science Resources - http://www.ncsu.edu/imse/
IMSEnet provides just about all the resources that any science teacher would ever need. There are links to grant sites, Internet project ideas, mailing lists, shareware sites, science museums, and more.
Science Museums
Museum of Science - It's Alive!
Welcome to the Museum of Science and Industry - http://www.msichicago.org/
The National Museum of Science and Industry - http://www.nmsi.ac.uk/
How Stuff Works - http://www.howstuffworks.com
Learn how almost anything works - from car engines and microprocessors to Pop Rocks candy.
The Mechanics Exhibit - http://sln.fi.edu:80/tfi/exhibits/mechanic.html
Visit the Mechanics Exhibit at the Frankline Institute and see how simple machines work together to create complex functions.
Simple Machines - http://www.directfitautoparts.com/simple-machines-used-in-autos.html
Cells Alive! - http://www.cellsalive.com/
There are terrific images, information, and movies about cells at this web site. Cell topics include: Pumping Myocytes, these cells got rhythm; OUCH!, anatomy of a splinter; Bacteriophage, oh goodness, my E. coli has a virus! An animated resource of "cellology" -- photos, definitions, descriptions, simulations. Students and teachers are encouraged to use the numerous photos for educational purposes.
Discovering DNA - http://www.thetech.org/exhibits_events/online/genome/
DNA: The Instruction Manual for All Life is a colorful, easy-to-read, and easy-to-understand site designed for younger web surfers.
Food Safety - http://www.foodsafety.gov/~fsg/fsgkids.html
Web site with coloring book, word match, and quiz, plus information and resources for teachers.
The Heart: An Online Exploration - http://sln2.fi.edu/biosci/
Learn about the human heart at this site.
Rice World - http://www.riceworld.org/
Students can practice web skills while picking up knowledge about this grain that is the basic food for 3 billion people.
Neurocience for Kids - http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/neurok.html
This home page has been created for all students and teachers who would like to learn more about the nervous system. Enjoy the activities and experiments on your way to learning more about the brain and spinal cord.
Experiments and other Great Science Topics
A Year in the Life of a Tree - http://www.domtar.com/arbre/english/start2.htm
Trace a year in the life of a tree. Observe the "four seasons" of buds, leaves, flowers, fruits, roots, the trunk, and branches. Learn more about different types of trees and their pollen. The Formidable Forms section includes tree silhouettes and reviews the differences between conifers and broadleaf trees.
Amusement Park Physics - http://www.learner.org/exhibits/parkphysics/
Students will design their own roller coaster, while learning laws of physics/motion.
BrainPop - http://www.BrainPOP.com/
This is a really cool site. It has animated health, science, and technology movies. I watched a movie that explains hearing. The only problem - they're not captioned! I e-mailed them about it, so we'll see what they say.
Bridge - http://www.vims.edu/bridge/
Here, teachers will find a selection of the best online resources for marine science education.
Chemistry Experiments - http://www.cheminst.ca/ncw/experiments/index.html
This site has some simple chemistry experiments from National Chemistry week that are categorized by grade level.
Chem4Kids - http://www.chem4kids.com
A terrific site for young students just getting interested in chemistry. They'll find everything from atoms to elements to the periodic table explained in plain English. It's a fun site that entertains as well as instructs.
Classroom Pond - http://www.teachnet.com/how-to/decor/pond.html
Directions for building a pond right in your classroom.
Cool Science Experiments - http://www.alka-seltzer.com/experiments/experiments.htm
Some really neat science experiments using Alka-Seltzer.
Cool Science for Curious Kids - http://www.hhmi.org/coolscience/
In an effort to encourage kids to appreciate science, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute looked at some of the best science projects from some of the best museums in the country. Then they adapted them for the Web. Some of these activities are entirely electronic. Students can do everything on screen. Others require them to go to their kitchen or backyard. They are designed for students in kindergarten through second or third grade.
Dragonfly - http://miavx1.acs.muohio.edu/%7Edragonfly/index.htmlx
Dragonfly was designed to help children in the creative process of science, to help children see how science relates to their lives, to engage minority and at-risk children in science, and to help teachers and parents guide active, experiential learning more confidently. There are many fun, interactive learning opportunities on this site.
Earth Cam - http://www.earthcamforkids.com/
Educational Web Adventures - http://www.eduweb.com/adventure.html
Encarta Challenge - http://encarta.msn.com/features/challenge/
Energy Education - http://www.energy.ca.gov/education/index.html
This site from the California Energy Commission offers puzzles, science projects, kid's tips, stories, and other fun things for kids to explore.
Especially for Kids - http://response.restoration.noaa.gov/kids/kids.html
Learn more about oil spills or hazardous chemical accidents.
Links to sites with experiments and science fair projects.
Find Sounds - http://www.findsounds.com/
Find out how modern-day sound effects are made. Search for a specific sound to use in a multimedia project and practice listening skills with your hard-of-hearing students.
Flight Simulator - http://firstflight.open.ac.uk/
Forces of Flight - http://www.fi.edu/flights/index.html
This site explains flight on an elementary level.
How Far Does Light Go - http://www.kie.berkeley.edu/KIE/web/hf.html
This online project asks students to examine light and defend one of two theories. Educators will find project goals, lesson plans, and more.
How Far is it? - http://www.indo.com/distance/
Insects in the Classroom - http://iitc.tamu.edu/
This site was created in collaboration by the Department of Entomology and the Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture at Texas A&M University. It has been provided for use in educating students about the wonders of the insect world and supporting teachers with lesson plans and other educational resources.
IllusionWorks - http://www.illusionworks.com/html/jump_page.html
This site on optical illusions and includes lots oflinks to interactive experiments with illusions, as well as information about artists such as M.C. Escher.
Interactive Physics Lab - http://sunshine.chpc.utah.edu/javalabs/
Limericks - http://coa.acnatsci.org/conchnet/verge.html
Limericks about different kinds of seashells with scientific footnotes for each limerick.
Math/Science Scavenger Hunt -
This scavenger hunt focuses on math and science questions for kids.
Mr. Warner's Cool Science! - http://www3.mwis.net/~science/
Randy Warner has collected lots of resources for teachers and students. Although most of the site is science related, there is an extensive research section, teacher section, and a webmaster's section (for those writing their own HTML). Most of the site is links, but there is a tutorial on the life cycle of the Monarch butterfly that he and his students did.
Museum of Unnatural Mystery - http://unmuseum.mus.pa.us/unmuseum.htm
Welcome to the Museum of Unnatural Mystery, a slightly bizarre, cyberspace, science museum for all ages. Are there really flying saucers? What killed the dinosaurs? Is there something ancient and alive in Loch Ness? The Museum takes a scientific look at these, and other, questions. Feel free to wander these halls and make some serendipitous discoveries.
NASA Resources Online - http://education.nasa.gov/educators.html
NASA Resources for Educators is a site that includes a searchable database with information on NASA's programs for educators, a list of audio/visual materials for teachers, and workshop opportunities. [copied from the NEON Newsletter]
Newton, Isaac
PBS Scienceline Videos - http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/scienceline/video.shtm
PBS Scienceline videos show real teachers in a variety of elementary school classrooms modeling standards-based instruction and reflecting on their teaching practices. Scienceline videos focus on skills and techniques tied to inquiry teaching, and educators of all grades should benefit from observing the elementary school classrooms.
Physics Software - http://www.kagi.com/pelletier/
Check out these shareware physical science animations for Macintosh computers that you can download.
Renewable Energy Activities - http://www.nrel.gov/business/education/teachers.html
The National Renewable Energy Labaratory presents activities and curriculum for teachers - like how to build a pizza box oven and a story about solar dog.
Seashell Facts - http://coa.acnatsci.org/conchnet/facts.html
A web site with facts about seashells.
Seashells - Free Verse - http://coa.acnatsci.org/conchnet/poems1.html
Poems about seashells by children from Hawaii.
Simple Machines for Kids - http://www.san-marino.k12.ca.us/~summer1/machines/simplemachines.html
On this elementary-level site, students examine and understand simple machines and learn how to make their own!
Simple Machine Experiments - http://www.galaxy.net:80/~k12/machines/index.shtml
These site features 20 activities designed for early elementary classes to examine and understand these simple machines: levers, wheels, and inclined planes.
Trivia Links - http://www.primate.wisc.edu/people/hamel/misctriv.html
The Watershed Game - http://www1.umn.edu/bellmuse/mnideals/watershed/watershed.html
Many things happen in a watershed that affect the quality of the water we rely upon. Examine the issues in each area of the watershed, then see the impacts of your choices!
Who's the Bigger Captain? - http://www.scie.ecu.edu/personal/Lenoir/quirk.html
Teach your upper Elementary or Middle School students the concept of proportions using the NIH Image program (downloadable) and this lesson. Using the NIH program, students compare images of a 'Ken doll' version of Captain Kirk and an actual photograph from the Star Trek TV series. Ratio, proportion, and scaling are all explored in this neat lesson.